On why I “social media”

I am what you would call an “oversharer”. I get a lot of questions about why I am so public with the adventures I share with my girls. To put it quite simply, I am telling their story.

When they are grown, I want them to have something tangible to remember our magical times at our favorite places. At this age, they barely remember what they had for lunch yesterday. The costumes will wear down with time, and stories will be forgotten if not shared. Their unique sister bond is forever captured in a photo, but becomes meaningless in the sea of data if not organized intentionally. By posting about our adventures, I am categorizing these memories so they are easily accessible when they want to relive them.

Let me be quite clear about something: everything I do, I do for them. I do this so they can remember their childhood. Because they light up when they meet characters. Because they request certain outfits. This is the light of their life. I am so appreciative of all the magic we get to experience on a daily basis and I am humbled that you’d like to join along in our adventures.

3 thoughts on “On why I “social media”

  1. Pingback: Releasing Shame and Finding Joy in 2019 | LittleGrayThread

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